# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # International Frogans Address Pattern - IFAP 1.0 # IFAP Lookup Table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Reference: LT11_NFKC_Case_Folding # # Description: This IFAP lookup table contains a list of eligible code # points used in Frogans address strings. These code points have the # NFKC_Casefold derived property. This lookup table is used in the # |c6_generate_reference_form| function defined in Appendix C.6 of the # IFAP specification document. # # File name: ifap10-adopted.spec.lt11-nfkc-case-folding.txt # File created: 2014-03-05T09:20:57Z # # For additional information on the format of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix A in the IFAP specification document. # # For additional information on the use of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix C in the IFAP specification document. # # Properties mentioned in this document are those defined in the # Unicode standard. # # This document is accessible at the following permanent URL: # https://www.frogans.org/en/resources/ifap/access.html. # # This document must be used in compliance with the Frogans Technology # User Policy, accessible at the following permanent URL: # https://www.frogans.org/en/resources/ftup/access.html. # # Copyright (C) 2014 OP3FT. All rights reserved. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third-party source materials used to create this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File: DerivedNormalizationProps.txt # # - Location: # http://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/DerivedNormalizationProps.txt # # - Description: # DerivedNormalizationProps.txt is a file in the Unicode Character # Database. It lists derived properties used to optimize # normalization. For details on the format and contents of this # file, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-12.html. # # - Copyright and Permission Notice: # Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. # Distributed under the Terms of Use in # http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated # documentation (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any # associated documentation (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files # or Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or # sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to # whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided # that (a) the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice # appear with all copies of the Data Files or Software, (b) both the # above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in # associated documentation, and (c) there is clear notice in each # modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the # documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the # data or software has been modified. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other IFAP lookup tables used to create this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LT08_Eligible_Characters # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description of the fields in this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # For additional information on the format of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix A in the IFAP specification document. # # # Field count: 2 # # # Field 1: CODE_POINT # # - Description: # A code point or a range of code points # # # Field 2: NFKC_FOLDED_CODE_POINT # # - Description: # A list of one or more code points separated by the ASCII character # ' ' (Space) # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method used to compute the field values in this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The data lines following these comments are created by reading each # data line in LT08 where the value of the second field (IS_ELIGIBLE) # equals 1. If the data line contains a code point range, then the # process below is performed for each code point in the range. If a # code point is skipped in the process, the process continues with the # next code point. # # A look-up is performed for the code point in the # DerivedNormalizationProps.txt file to see if a line exists containing # either this code point or a range including this code point, and # where the second field in the semi-colon separated list equals # NFKC_CF. If such a line does not exist, the code point is skipped. # # Otherwise, the third field in DerivedNormalizationProps.txt contains # a list of one or more space-separated code points corresponding to # the NFKC_Casefold derived property. A data line is added to LT11 # with the value of the two fields CODE_POINT and # NFKC_FOLDED_CODE_POINT: # # - The first value contains the code point. # - The second value is the list of one or more space-separated # code points corresponding to the NFKC_Casefold derived property. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generated data lines # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # CODE_POINT,NFKC_FOLDED_CODE_POINT 0041,0061 0042,0062 0043,0063 0044,0064 0045,0065 0046,0066 0047,0067 0048,0068 0049,0069 004A,006A 004B,006B 004C,006C 004D,006D 004E,006E 004F,006F 0050,0070 0051,0071 0052,0072 0053,0073 0054,0074 0055,0075 0056,0076 0057,0077 0058,0078 0059,0079 005A,007A 00C0,00E0 00C1,00E1 00C2,00E2 00C3,00E3 00C4,00E4 00C5,00E5 00C6,00E6 00C7,00E7 00C8,00E8 00C9,00E9 00CA,00EA 00CB,00EB 00CC,00EC 00CD,00ED 00CE,00EE 00CF,00EF 00D0,00F0 00D1,00F1 00D2,00F2 00D3,00F3 00D4,00F4 00D5,00F5 00D6,00F6 00D8,00F8 00D9,00F9 00DA,00FA 00DB,00FB 00DC,00FC 00DD,00FD 00DE,00FE 00DF,0073 0073 0100,0101 0102,0103 0104,0105 0106,0107 0108,0109 010A,010B 010C,010D 010E,010F 0110,0111 0112,0113 0114,0115 0116,0117 0118,0119 011A,011B 011C,011D 011E,011F 0120,0121 0122,0123 0124,0125 0126,0127 0128,0129 012A,012B 012C,012D 012E,012F 0130,0069 0307 0134,0135 0136,0137 0139,013A 013B,013C 013D,013E 0141,0142 0143,0144 0145,0146 0147,0148 014A,014B 014C,014D 014E,014F 0150,0151 0152,0153 0154,0155 0156,0157 0158,0159 015A,015B 015C,015D 015E,015F 0160,0161 0162,0163 0164,0165 0166,0167 0168,0169 016A,016B 016C,016D 016E,016F 0170,0171 0172,0173 0174,0175 0176,0177 0178,00FF 0179,017A 017B,017C 017D,017E 01A0,01A1 01AF,01B0 01CD,01CE 01CF,01D0 01D1,01D2 01D3,01D4 01D5,01D6 01D7,01D8 01D9,01DA 01DB,01DC 01DE,01DF 01E0,01E1 01E2,01E3 01E6,01E7 01E8,01E9 01EA,01EB 01EC,01ED 01EE,01EF 01F4,01F5 01F8,01F9 01FA,01FB 01FC,01FD 01FE,01FF 0200,0201 0202,0203 0204,0205 0206,0207 0208,0209 020A,020B 020C,020D 020E,020F 0210,0211 0212,0213 0214,0215 0216,0217 0218,0219 021A,021B 021E,021F 0226,0227 0228,0229 022A,022B 022C,022D 022E,022F 0230,0231 0232,0233 0345,03B9 0386,03AC 0388,03AD 0389,03AE 038A,03AF 038C,03CC 038E,03CD 038F,03CE 0391,03B1 0392,03B2 0393,03B3 0394,03B4 0395,03B5 0396,03B6 0397,03B7 0398,03B8 0399,03B9 039A,03BA 039B,03BB 039C,03BC 039D,03BD 039E,03BE 039F,03BF 03A0,03C0 03A1,03C1 03A3,03C3 03A4,03C4 03A5,03C5 03A6,03C6 03A7,03C7 03A8,03C8 03A9,03C9 03AA,03CA 03AB,03CB 03C2,03C3 03FD,037B 03FE,037C 03FF,037D 0400,0450 0401,0451 0402,0452 0403,0453 0404,0454 0405,0455 0406,0456 0407,0457 0408,0458 0409,0459 040A,045A 040B,045B 040C,045C 040D,045D 040E,045E 040F,045F 0410,0430 0411,0431 0412,0432 0413,0433 0414,0434 0415,0435 0416,0436 0417,0437 0418,0438 0419,0439 041A,043A 041B,043B 041C,043C 041D,043D 041E,043E 041F,043F 0420,0440 0421,0441 0422,0442 0423,0443 0424,0444 0425,0445 0426,0446 0427,0447 0428,0448 0429,0449 042A,044A 042B,044B 042C,044C 042D,044D 042E,044E 042F,044F 048A,048B 048C,048D 048E,048F 0490,0491 0492,0493 0494,0495 0496,0497 0498,0499 049A,049B 049C,049D 049E,049F 04A0,04A1 04A2,04A3 04A4,04A5 04A6,04A7 04A8,04A9 04AA,04AB 04AC,04AD 04AE,04AF 04B0,04B1 04B2,04B3 04B4,04B5 04B6,04B7 04B8,04B9 04BA,04BB 04BC,04BD 04BE,04BF 04C0,04CF 04C1,04C2 04C3,04C4 04C5,04C6 04C7,04C8 04C9,04CA 04CB,04CC 04CD,04CE 04D0,04D1 04D2,04D3 04D4,04D5 04D6,04D7 04D8,04D9 04DA,04DB 04DC,04DD 04DE,04DF 04E0,04E1 04E2,04E3 04E4,04E5 04E6,04E7 04E8,04E9 04EA,04EB 04EC,04ED 04EE,04EF 04F0,04F1 04F2,04F3 04F4,04F5 04F6,04F7 04F8,04F9 04FA,04FB 04FC,04FD 04FE,04FF 0500,0501 0502,0503 0504,0505 0506,0507 0508,0509 050A,050B 050C,050D 050E,050F 0510,0511 0512,0513 0514,0515 0516,0517 0518,0519 051A,051B 051C,051D 051E,051F 0520,0521 0522,0523 0524,0525 0526,0527 0531,0561 0532,0562 0533,0563 0534,0564 0535,0565 0536,0566 0537,0567 0538,0568 0539,0569 053A,056A 053B,056B 053C,056C 053D,056D 053E,056E 053F,056F 0540,0570 0541,0571 0542,0572 0543,0573 0544,0574 0545,0575 0546,0576 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