# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # International Frogans Address Pattern - IFAP 1.0 # IFAP Lookup Table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Reference: LT06_Combining_Marks # # Description: This IFAP lookup table contains a list of code points # in the string character set used in Frogans address strings. These # code points are combining marks (i.e. they have a General_Category # property equal to Mc, Mn, or Me). This lookup table is used in the # |c2_verify_string_formation| function defined in Appendix C.2 and in # the |c5_verify_first_character| and |c5_verify_connector_characters| # functions defined in Appendix C.5 of the IFAP specification document. # # File name: ifap10-adopted.spec.lt06-combining-marks.txt # File created: 2014-03-05T09:20:57Z # # For additional information on the format of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix A in the IFAP specification document. # # For additional information on the use of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix C in the IFAP specification document. # # Properties mentioned in this document are those defined in the # Unicode standard. # # This document is accessible at the following permanent URL: # https://www.frogans.org/en/resources/ifap/access.html. # # This document must be used in compliance with the Frogans Technology # User Policy, accessible at the following permanent URL: # https://www.frogans.org/en/resources/ftup/access.html. # # Copyright (C) 2014 OP3FT. All rights reserved. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third-party source materials used to create this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File: UnicodeData.txt # # - Location: # http://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt # # - Description: # UnicodeData.txt is a file in the Unicode Character Database. It # lists all Unicode characters and their properties. For details on # the format and contents of this file, see # http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-12.html. # # - Copyright and Permission Notice: # Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. # Distributed under the Terms of Use in # http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated # documentation (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any # associated documentation (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files # or Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or # sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to # whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided # that (a) the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice # appear with all copies of the Data Files or Software, (b) both the # above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in # associated documentation, and (c) there is clear notice in each # modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the # documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the # data or software has been modified. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other IFAP lookup tables used to create this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LT05_NFKC_Stable # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description of the fields in this IFAP lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # For additional information on the format of IFAP lookup tables, see # Appendix A in the IFAP specification document. # # # Field count: 1 # # # Field 1: CODE_POINT # # - Description: # A code point or a range of code points # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method used to compute the field values in this lookup table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The data lines following these comments are created by reading each # data line in LT05. If the data line contains a code point range, # then the process below is performed for each code point in the range. # If a code point is skipped in the process below, then the process # continues with the next code point. # # Each code point is looked up in UnicodeData.txt in order to analyze # the value of the General_Category property, which is the # third field in the semi-colon separated list in each line of # UnicodeData.txt. # # For each code point or range of code points where the value of the # General_Category property equals Mc, Mn, or Me, a data line is added # to LT06 with the value of CODE_POINT field set to the code point or # the code point range. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generated data lines # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # CODE_POINT 0300..033F 0342 0345..036F 0483..0489 0591..05BD 05BF 05C1..05C2 05C4..05C5 05C7 0610..061A 064B..065F 0670 06D6..06DC 06DF..06E4 06E7..06E8 06EA..06ED 0711 0730..074A 07A6..07B0 07EB..07F3 0816..0819 081B..0823 0825..0827 0829..082D 0859..085B 08E4..08FE 0900..0903 093A..093C 093E..094F 0951..0957 0962..0963 0981..0983 09BC 09BE..09C4 09C7..09C8 09CB..09CD 09D7 09E2..09E3 0A01..0A03 0A3C 0A3E..0A42 0A47..0A48 0A4B..0A4D 0A51 0A70..0A71 0A75 0A81..0A83 0ABC 0ABE..0AC5 0AC7..0AC9 0ACB..0ACD 0AE2..0AE3 0B01..0B03 0B3C 0B3E..0B44 0B47..0B48 0B4B..0B4D 0B56..0B57 0B62..0B63 0B82 0BBE..0BC2 0BC6..0BC8 0BCA..0BCD 0BD7 0C01..0C03 0C3E..0C44 0C46..0C48 0C4A..0C4D 0C55..0C56 0C62..0C63 0C82..0C83 0CBC 0CBE..0CC4 0CC6..0CC8 0CCA..0CCD 0CD5..0CD6 0CE2..0CE3 0D02..0D03 0D3E..0D44 0D46..0D48 0D4A..0D4D 0D57 0D62..0D63 0D82..0D83 0DCA 0DCF..0DD4 0DD6 0DD8..0DDF 0DF2..0DF3 0E31 0E34..0E3A 0E47..0E4E 0EB1 0EB4..0EB9 0EBB..0EBC 0EC8..0ECD 0F18..0F19 0F35 0F37 0F39 0F3E..0F3F 0F71..0F72 0F74 0F7A..0F80 0F82..0F84 0F86..0F87 0F8D..0F92 0F94..0F97 0F99..0F9C 0F9E..0FA1 0FA3..0FA6 0FA8..0FAB 0FAD..0FB8 0FBA..0FBC 0FC6 102B..103E 1056..1059 105E..1060 1062..1064 1067..106D 1071..1074 1082..108D 108F 109A..109D 135D..135F 1712..1714 1732..1734 1752..1753 1772..1773 17B4..17D3 17DD 180B..180D 18A9 1920..192B 1930..193B 19B0..19C0 19C8..19C9 1A17..1A1B 1A55..1A5E 1A60..1A7C 1A7F 1B00..1B04 1B34..1B44 1B6B..1B73 1B80..1B82 1BA1..1BAD 1BE6..1BF3 1C24..1C37 1CD0..1CD2 1CD4..1CE8 1CED 1CF2..1CF4 1DC0..1DE6 1DFC..1DFF 20D0..20F0 2CEF..2CF1 2D7F 2DE0..2DFF 302A..302F 3099..309A A66F..A672 A674..A67D A69F A6F0..A6F1 A802 A806 A80B A823..A827 A880..A881 A8B4..A8C4 A8E0..A8F1 A926..A92D A947..A953 A980..A983 A9B3..A9C0 AA29..AA36 AA43 AA4C..AA4D AA7B AAB0 AAB2..AAB4 AAB7..AAB8 AABE..AABF AAC1 AAEB..AAEF AAF5..AAF6 ABE3..ABEA ABEC..ABED FB1E FE00..FE0F FE20..FE26 101FD 10A01..10A03 10A05..10A06 10A0C..10A0F 10A38..10A3A 10A3F 11000..11002 11038..11046 11080..11082 110B0..110BA 11100..11102 11127..11134 11180..11182 111B3..111C0 116AB..116B7 16F51..16F7E 16F8F..16F92 1D165..1D169 1D16D..1D172 1D17B..1D182 1D185..1D18B 1D1AA..1D1AD 1D242..1D244 E0100..E01EF